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English – Conclusions, Hasta mañana

23 Settembre 2016 Nessun Commento

During these intense days at the Tonalestate, were, as the Rabbi Levi said, we can easily and deeply face problems, we’ve heard that the fact of being sons is what defines us the most as human beings.
Being sons! It means that we’re received; that we’re in the existence as a gift, that also the other is a gift because is not my invention. The other is not and can never be a possession that I can “use and throwaway”.
Being sons! It means that someone wanted us, and that someone wants to transmit us an heritage, wants to give us, freely, freely, a field in order to construct the future.
Being sons! It means that our destiny is to become father and mother, having as a task to generate other human being not only into life, but into the real sense of life.
Being sons! It means that we are brothers, and that as brothers we have to get closer and treat each other. Brothers that don’t imitate Cain and Abel, because we’ve realized that violence is the real enemy of the one who uses it. Violence and father Tojeira said, quiets any question.
Being sons! It means that we need a company were we can recognize the presence of the Father, and where we can listen his voice that renews the existence. Giovanni’s voice, as Warschawski reminded, knew how to pass from father’s to son’s generation.
Being sons! freely it has been given to you, freely give.
We great each other with a common commitment: in Hebron, Nazareth, Okinawa, El Salvador, Jerusalem, Honduras, Mexico, Paris, Calais, Bradford, Tibhirine, Algeri, Italy, Guatemala you, we have to give the company we received.
Hasta mañana
Maria Paola Azzali

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