Home » Archivi, Comunicati Stampa, Tonalestate 2013

Séamus Heaney

2 Settembre 2013 Nessun Commento


“Ricordiamo il grande poeta irlandese Séamus Heaney, pubblicando la poesia che,
nell’impossibilità ad essere presente, il premio Nobel per la letteratura
ha dedicato al Tonalestate nell’estate scorsa”.


poem II, from L’Ultima Passeggiata

The skylark spirals upwards out of sight
Into the dawn, singing from above
A house where smoke scrolls up, then melts in light.
From above, his distant lark’s eye watches white
Oxen in pairs criss-cross the field and leave
Broad acres ploughed, each furrow dark and straight.
In the black damp field, the turned, share-brightened ground
Shines in the sun like sunlight in a mirror.
Harvest and sheaves are on the farmer’s mind,
A cuckoo’s call re-echoes in his ear.


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